Exam Rooms and Procedures
Physics 207 - Fall 2006

There will be three 90 minute exams scheduled at 7:15 PM on Oct 5, Nov 2 and Nov 28. 
All exams will be taken in rooms as yet unassigned room.  More than one room is necessary because there aren't enough seats for having students sit in parallel rows with each separated by one empty seat.   As circumstances dicate there will be at least one alternate time earlier than than than officially scheduled.

There will be no makeup exams, but in the event of a serious illness or other emergency you should contact both your TA and Prof. Winokur in as soon as possible to explain the circumstances.

You may bring to the exam a pencil, eraser, calculator, and one 8.5 x 11" sheet (crib sheet) on which you may write anything you wish (front and back).

You are to sit in parallel rows with each row separated by one empty seat.

You are expected to refrain from all talking during the exam until you exit the room.

Be sure your name and section number are at the top of each sheet of the exam, and be sure your exam has the correct number of pages.

Show all your work in the space immediately below each problem, and place your answer in the box provided on the exam sheet. Be sure to include units wherever necessary and the direction of vectors.

You are to turn your exam in to your TA when you are finished.

You are not allowed to leave during the last 5 minutes of the exam.

You will be instructed to stop work promptly at 8:45 PM, and if you continue writing after being instructed to stop, points will be deducted from your grade.  Partial credit may be awarded, but you will not receive full credit unless you show your work when such work is required to determine the answer.

Cheating is an extremely serious matter and will result in disciplinary action.


Final Exam

The procedures for the final exam will be the same as for the hour exams, except that you will be allowed 120 minutes to complete the exam and you may bring two 8.5 x 11" sheets of notes to the exam. The final exam will be at 2:45 PM on Tuesday, Dec 19th  in a room to be announced.