Of the many example side-chain substituted hosts synthesized so far, one of the most heavily studied families of these compounds has been the poly(3-alkythiophenes) or P3AT's. This popularity is, in part, based on its versatility in terms of available synthesis procedures, variety of molecular designs, and the range of potential applications. Much of the structural behavior seen in the P3AT's extends to all other model systems. It is also worth noting that in most cases the molecular weights and molecular number are rather modest and so these results pertain to P3AT samples in which the polymer chain length is relatively limited.
of the longer side chain containing P3AT's (butyl, pentyl, hexyl, etc.) almost
universally find at least one well defined peak at smaller scattering angle or,
equivalently, wave vector (according to the formula where the x-ray wavelength is fixed at
Å). Scattering
spectra from three representative P3AT homopolymers are displayed in Fig. 15.
In many hosts, this low angle scattering feature has a relatively narrow
width implying scattering coherence over a significant distance (up to
Å using the Scherrer relationship,
where L is the coherence length). This intense feature
often appears in combination with two to four weaker intensity, higher order
reflections located at integer multiples of the fundamental wavevector. These
so called (h00) reflections are indicative of the lamellar structural phase
alluded to previously. At somewhat larger scattering angles there is always a
very broad, modest intensity peak centered near
values of 22
(1.55 Å-1) and, often, sharper features superimposed on this scattering
at angles close to 24
(1.7 Å-1). Scans out to much higher
angles[110] are able to resolve additional weak, broad scattering
features at
angles near 40
(2.8 Å-1), 64
(4.3Å-1) and 77
(5.1Å-1). The broad amorphous peak near
is primarily correlated with inter- and intra-chain molecular
disorder of the side chains while the broad higher angle features are
considered to to be representative of the short-range intrachain structure of
the polymer main chains. The presence of a sharper scattering peak near
implies the possibility of additional long-range order both along
the polymer main chains (at half the nominal 7.8Å chain axis repeat) and
perpendicular to the main chains within individual lamellae. In some P3AT
samples there are a number of well-defined steps on the high angle side of this
scattering feature which give evidence for even further structural
ordering. Finally, in the best uniaxially oriented samples the non-equatorial
scattering can be distinguished out to very high order[]
(c* Miller indices of
and beyond).
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The interlayer d-spacing is directly correlated with the length of the side
chains in accordance to the models of Fig. 14. However, as shown in Fig. 16,
this functionality is somewhat less (or more) than would be expected if the
side chains were oriented normal to the main chain axis and to the layers
themselves assuming no main chain tilt and no interdigitation or (full
interdigitation). This indicates that these side chains are either
conformationally disordered, strongly tilted away from the normal, or
experience significant overlap with the side chains from the neighboring
stack. In contrast, the position of the sharper features located
are essentially independent of side chain length. Studies of
uniaxially oriented samples, as seen if Fig. 15 curves c and e, find
scattering in this vicinity both parallel and perpendicular to the draw (chain
c-axis) direction. Hence this scattering is correlated with an extended main
chain conformation along the c-axis and an intrastack chain-to-chain repeat
of approximately 3.8Å.
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These qualitative features can be complimented by more rigorous analysis of the experimental data. A variety of planar orthorhombic[,,] and monoclinic unit cells[,] have been proposed. Table II contains a partial list of reported room temperature lattice constants for some of the more common P3AT compounds. One current structural model[111], which is found to be consistent with the full range of experimental data (e.g., infrared and UV-vis absorption, x-ray and electron diffraction, etc.) and detailed modelling calculations[,,114] (crystal structure factor refinements, molecular simulations, etc.), requires an average tilting the side chain away from the layer normal with a minimum of side chain interdigitation between stacks as shown in Fig. 13(c). Other proposed P3AT models invoke variations in the chain structure including a periodic up-up-down-down doubling of the trans-planar repeat[], a non-planar conformation of the main chain[], and even a helical structure[](specifically for poly(3-methyl thiophene)).