Academic Misconduct

Although the vast majority of university students  would not consider cheating, there are occasional instances in which a student is guilty of academic misconduct.  Such conduct is a serious violation of the trust that should exist between teacher and student and it will not be tolerated.  In fairness to the other students, and to prevent the spread of misconduct, such offenses will be dealt with swiftly and within the guidelines established by the University.

Examples of academic misconduct include, but are not limited to: cheating on an examination (copying from another student's paper, referring to materials on the exam other than those explicitly permitted,  turning in an exam for regrading after making changes to the exam), copying the homework or lab report of someone else, submitting for credit work done by someone else, stealing examinations or course materials, tampering with the laboratory experiment of another student, tampering with the grade records or with another student's work, or knowingly and intentionally assisting another student in any of the above.

Although  students are encouraged to work together on the homework and in the labs, the paper or lab report which you submit should be your own work and not simply copied from someone else.   If you think you may  have witnessed an incident of misconduct, you should alert the faculty instructor so that an appropriate course of action may be taken.   The identity of the person reporting the misconduct will be kept confidential to the fullest extent possible if so desired.

Chapter 14 of the University of Wisconsin Administrative Code sets forth the Student Academic Disciplinary Procedures.  When a student is suspected of academic misconduct said student will be so informed, usually by letter from the course instructor, and asked to meet with him/her in order to respond to any accusations.  At the conclusion of  this meeting, if it is established that no misconduct has occurred or that no penalty is warranted, this matter will be ended and no record will be kept of the incident.  If it is determined that academic misconduct has occurred then the guilty party will be penalized, normally by removal from the course, although a variety of other sanctions, both more and less severe, are possible.   A formal  letter shortly after this conference explaining the misconduct, the proposed sanction, and your rights to a hearing, including a copy of the Academic Misconduct Rules and Procedures.  You have ten days after the letter is mailed to request such a hearing.  A copy of this letter is sent to the Dean of Students and to the Dean of your college.  If this is a repeat offense, it is likely that the Dean of Students will impose a harsher penalty such as placing a written reprimand in your file, placing you on probation, or suspending or expelling you from the University.

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