Physics 207 Lecture Demonstrations,
Fall 2006
Monday, September 4 (Labor Day)
Wednesday, September 6 (Introduction to the Course)
- Handouts
- Computer and display panels
- Classical and Modern Physics
- 4 1-kg masses
Monday, September 11 (Space, Time and Measurement)
- Meter stick and length standards
- Masses and balance scale
- Clock
- Metronome
- Spherical flask of liquid
- Balance scale (to weigh sphere)
- 4 1-kg masses
Wednesday, September 13 (1-D Motion)
- Rubber ball
- Ball of cotton
- Guinea and feather tube
- Acceleration track
- Crisp dollar bill (reaction time)
Monday, September 18 (Measurements and Vectors)
- Force board
- String and block
- Meter stick (reaction time)
Wednesday, September 20 (2-D Motion)
- Rubber ball
- Dropped and fired balls
- Ballistics car
- Water stream demo with protractor
- Monkey and hunter
Monday, September 25 (Laws of Motion)
- Bench computer on Internet with display panels
- Rubber ball
- 1 kg mass
- Beaker and cloth
- Pail of water
- Ball and cut string
- Air track
- Inertia ball
- Wood block
- Rope anchored in wall
Wednesday, September 27 (Circular Motion)
- Spring scale with mass
- Slide of coefficients of friction
- Block and string
- Inclined plane with blocks and carts
- Atwood Machine
- Ball on a string
- Conical pendulum
- Block on rotating table
- Object falling in viscous fluid
Monday, October 2 (Catch-up Lecture)
Wednesday, October 4 (Review for Exam #1)
Monday, October 9 (Energy and Energy Transfer)
- Rubber ball
- Wood block
- Hooke's law
- Come-back can
- Ball rolling in troughs
- Weight-lifting machine (power demo)
Wednesday, October 11 (Potential Energy)
- Rubber ball
- Bowling ball pendulum
- Ball rolling in troughs
- Loop-the-loop
- Weight-lifting machine (power demo)
- 1-kg mass
Monday, October 16 (Linear Momentum and Collisions)
- Rubber ball
- Non-bouncing ball
- Air track
- Momentum balls
- Air table
- Water rocket
- CO2 rocket
- Rotating platform with basketball and CO2
Wednesday, October 18 (Rotation)
- Center-of-gravity boards
- Cylinder, sphere, disk, hoop samples
- Torque board
- Rolling chain
- Weight and axle
- Moving spool
- Cylinder, sphere, disk, hoop samples
- Yo-yos
- Rotating platform with barbells
- Center-of-mass cone on inclined plane
- Objects rolling down inclined plane
- Rotating masses on pulleys
Monday, October 23 (Angular Momentum and Torque)
- Cylinder, sphere, disk, hoop samples
- Torque board
- Rolling chain
- Yo-yos
- Rotating platform with barbells
- Center-of-mass cone on inclined plane
- Loop-the-loop
- Objects rolling down inclined plane
- Ball on string
- Rotating masses on pulleys
- Barbells on rotating platform
Monday, October 25 (Static Equilibrium and
- Wooden block
- Rubber ball
- Leaning tower
- Deck of cards
- Seesaw
- Ladder against wall
- Horizontal string with weight at center
- Block and tackles
- Young's modulus
Monday, October 30 (Catch-up Lecture)
Wednesday, November 1 (Review for Exam #2)
Monday, November 6 (Fluid Mechanics)
- Weight of air
- Magdeburg hemispheres
- Manometer
- Archimedes principle
- Hydrolic press
- Bernoulli demo (pipe with flowing water)
- Bernoulli (levitated) ball
- Airfoils
- Venturi tube
- Aspirator
- Curve Ball
- Frisbee
- Toilet paper roll and air jet
Wednesday, November 8 (Oscillatory Motion)
- Mass on a spring (with dashpot)
- Simple pendulum
- Comparison with circular motion
- Physical pendulum
- Torsional pendulum
- Coupled pendula
- Wilberforce pendulum
- Driven pendulum or mass on spring
- Bowling ball and softball pendulums with timer
Monday, November 13 (Wave Motion)
- Multiple coupled pendula
- Rope anchored in wall
- Wave speed on a rope (index cards)
- Compressional wave demo (horizontal slinky)
- Torsional waves (horizontal and vertical)
Wednesday, November 15 (Sound Waves)
- PC
- Sound-level meter
- Speed of sound
- Doppler demo
- Doppler cassette recording of train whistle
- Bell in vacuum
- Tuning fork
- Flame pipe
Monday, November 18 (Superposition and Standing Waves)
- Interference of sound
- Driven wave on string with strobe lamp
- Open and closed organ pipes
- Beats with organ pipes and tuning forks
- Oscilloscope and microphone
- Sine and square waves, noise source (with speaker)
- Musical instruments
Wednesday, November 20 (Catch-up Lecture)
Monday, November 27 (Review for Exam #3)
Wednesday, November 29 (Temperature)
- Classical and Modern Physics posters
- Examples of thermometers
- Thermal expansion demos
- PVT surface of ideal gas
- Piston
Monday, December 4 (Heat and 1st Law of Thermodynamics)
- Mechanical equivalence of heat
- Freezing by evaporation
- Thermal conductivity
- Heat convection (candle)
- Heat radiation (parabolic mirrors)
Wednesday, December 6 (Kinetic Theory)
- Kinetic theory simulator (ball bearings)
- Kinetic theory demonstrator (Mercury tube)
- Variation of sound speed with temperature (?)
- Balloon
Monday, December 11 (Second Law of Thermodynamics)
- Automobile engine model
- Carnot cycle model
- Sterling engine
- Tornado bottle
Wednesday, December 13 (Review for final)
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