
and other Internet Resources

Multimedia Physics Studio 
The Multimedia Physics Studios consists of a collection of GIF animations and accompanying explanations of major physics concepts. The animations cover common physics principles discussed in a first-year high school physics course. The animation and discussion have been written specifically for high school physics students. While the animations provide a strong visual reinforcement of physics concepts, they are not interactive.
Visual Quantum Mechanics
On-line Interactive Quantum Mechanics Programs
Virtual Laboratory
A collection of JAVA applets (U of Oregon)
Java Applets on Physics
A collection of JAVA applets by Walter Fendt
Explore Science with Shockwave
A collection of Shockwave animations
Virtual Physics Laboratory
A collection of JAVA applets by Fu-Kwun Hwang
Contemporary College Physics Simulation Library
Applets from other collections, withinstructions and explanations
Introduction to Newtonian Mechanics
An interactive physics course (Dickinson State University)
The Gamelan Java directory: Educational, Physics
Gamelan's index of educational physics applets
Multimedia Physik Interaktiv
Links to many JAVA and VRLM physics applications
Physics References
Physics History and People

Please add to this collection by letting everybody know what you have discovered or produced.


General Physics Courses

The Physics Classroom (Glenbrook South Physics)
Mechanics Course Outline (M Casco Associates)
Introduction to mechanics (Hermann Härtel)
The interactive textbook (Interdisciplinary course in Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics)
Park and ride science (The physics of amusement park rides)