- ``Differential Anomalous Scattering Studies of Amorphous HBr-doped
Polyaniline'', M.J. Winokur and B.R. Mattes, Synth. Met. 84,725 (1997).
- ``Structural Studies Poly(methyl-n-propyl silane)'', M.J. Winokur, J. Koe and Robert West,
Polymer Preprints, ACS, 214, 35-POLY (1997) .
- ``Studies of Local Structure in Polymers using X-ray Scattering'',
M.J. Winokur, in Local Structure Studies using Diffraction edited
by M. F. Thorpe and S.J.L. Billinge, (Plenum Press, New York) 1998 invited.''
- ``Polyaniline as viewed from a Structural Perspective'',
M.J. Winokur and B.R. Mattes, J. Reinf. Plast. Comp. 18,875 (1999) invited.
- ``A Monte Carlo Study of Structure and Intercalation
in Conducting Polymers'', Guomin Mao and M.J. Winokur, Synth. Met. 101,124 (1999).
- ``X-ray Diffraction and UV-Vis Absorption Studies
of Poly(di-
-hexylsilane) and Poly(di-
-octylsilane) after Quenching'',
W. Chunwachirasiri, R. West and M.J. Winokur, Synth. Met. 119, 31
(2001), invited.
- ``Structural Study of Chiral Camphorsulfonic Acid Doped Polyaniline'', M.J. Winokur, Hailan Guo and R.B. Kaner, Synth. Met. 119 403, (2001).
- ``Absorption, Photoluminescence and Energy Migration in Conducting Polymers with Multiple Phases'', M.J. Winokur, M. Sumstine, D. Sherlock, W. Chunwaschirasiri and R. West, ACS Polym. Preprints, S 223: 311-POLY Part 2 APR 7 2002, invited.
- ``Diffraction and Modeling Studies of Chain Conformation and Packing in Poly(di-n-alkylsilanes'', M.J. Winokur and R. West, ACS Polym. Preprints S 223: 438-POLY Part 2 APR 7 2002, invited.
- ``A nanoscale ordered materials diffractometer for the SNS'', J. Neuefeind, K.K. Chipley, C.A. Tulk, J.M. Simonson and M.J. Winokur, Physica 385 1066, (2006).
- ``Temperature dependent spectroscopy of poly[bis-(2-ethyl)hexylfluorene]/
-octyl fluorene) copolymers'', H. Cheun, F. Galbrecht, B. Nehls, U. Scherf, and M.J. Winokur, J. Lumin. 122 212, (2007) invited.
Michael Winokur